OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader

Floats & Floatlines by OBD

OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader has a large 24cm spike with a tri-cut point for better penetration and knurled grip. There is a strong twisted double stainless cable with heavy duty swivel at the other end. For using with medium to large fish, the fish threader normally attaches to float for securing fish after shooting. The strong double stainless wire gives extra strength against sharp teeth and sharks. Can also be used as a killing spinke prior to toggling fish.

  • 24cm tri-cut spike
  • Knurled grip
  • Twisted stainles double cable
  • Heavy duty swivel
  • For medium to large fish

OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader

Floats & Floatlines by OBD
OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader
OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader

OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader

Floats & Floatlines by OBD

OBD Heavy Duty Stainless Fish Threader has a large 24cm spike with a tri-cut point for better penetration and knurled grip. There is a strong twisted double stainless cable with heavy duty swivel at the other end. For using with medium to large fish, the fish threader normally attaches to float for securing fish after shooting. The strong double stainless wire gives extra strength against sharp teeth and sharks. Can also be used as a killing spinke prior to toggling fish.

  • 24cm tri-cut spike
  • Knurled grip
  • Twisted stainles double cable
  • Heavy duty swivel
  • For medium to large fish