OBD Stainless Line Thimble

Speargun Shooting Lines by OBD

Provides smooth rounded cut-free surface for running or moving lines and cords. Holds shape under tension and is very wear-resistant and strong. Has many uses!

  • Quality stainless steel
  • Various sizes, fit diameters of lines up to: 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm
  • Elongated eye
  • Povides wear resistance to lines and cords

OBD Stainless Line Thimble

Speargun Shooting Lines by OBD
OBD Stainless Line Thimble

OBD Stainless Line Thimble

Speargun Shooting Lines by OBD
Fits line up to:

Provides smooth rounded cut-free surface for running or moving lines and cords. Holds shape under tension and is very wear-resistant and strong. Has many uses!

  • Quality stainless steel
  • Various sizes, fit diameters of lines up to: 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm
  • Elongated eye
  • Povides wear resistance to lines and cords